Georgia School Climate Survey

Each year the Georgia Department of Education provides each faculty, staff, student, and parents with a Georgia School Climate Survey. The parent survey is conducted to measure your thoughts about how the school engages with our families. Please see the parent letter below for more information and the link below to take the survey. Please complete the Parent Survey no later than Friday, February 14th.

Take the Survey

The survey includes 27 questions and will take around 10 minutes. Please review the student survey questions using the links below and complete the OPT out form ONLY if you do not wish for your child to take the survey. 

Survey Questions (English)

Survey Questions (Spanish)

Students will take the survey after the President’s Day holiday during the week of February 19-21.

If you wish to OPT your child out of taking the survey please pint and return the form below no later than February 14th, 2025.